body architecture 3.0
SOFTWARE: Midjourney AI
"Body Architecture 3.0 Filippo Nassetti’s Body Architecture studio aims to extend the domain of architecture beyond its conventional boundaries to encompass the scale of the human body and the design of wearable products. Throughout history, the human body and technology co-evolved, generating forms of deep symbiosis that materialized in a vast web of artifacts and prostheses that mediate between individuals and the environment. All wearable products, medical devices, tools, and means of transportation, and the city itself can ultimately be interpreted as an extension of our physical bodies. These technological prostheses increase the chances of survival and expand the human experience."
cd next 3.0
SOFTWARE: Rhino, Grasshopper
"NEXT 3.0 takes another step to delve into new age design technologies by global advocates of technology and took place on 23-24 January 2021 (Saturday & Sunday) as a 2-day conference with workshops, panel discussions, tech demonstrations and discussions."
The workshop shown was lead by James Dalessandro entitled 'Data Driven Strip Morphologies'. In the workshop, participants followed along in a step-by-step process to learn how the "Coralyte' project by Emergent Design was scripted using Grasshopper for Rhino and constructed utilizing digital fabrication techniques to manufacture the paper modules.
generative physics
SOFTWARE: Maya, TouchDesigner
"This workshop introduced new methods of collaboration and communication across disciplines of art and architecture, as well as tools and workflows that respond to our current condition of being online, but that do not sacrifice the value or caliber of the work. Participants were introduced to a series of generative art techniques using algorithmic systems and physics simulators. Participants also received an overview of TouchDesigner to develop and augment workflows that can alter form or perception of form with a visual thesis in mind. TouchDesigner was used to integrate and transform multiple action-based visuals into immersive projections." This workshop was lead by Alida Sun and Jeffrey Halstead.
generative design
SOFTWARE: Rhino, Grasshopper, Wallacei
"The workshop taught by Mr. Mohammed Makki and Mr. Milad Showkatbakhsh introduced tower optimisation strategies using Wallacei , an evolutionary engine to run simulations through genetic algorithms for solving multi-objective optimisation problems. Wallacei is fully embedded in the parametric design environment of Grasshopper."